Wednesday, February 25, 2009

One everyone should watch

Started watching movies whenever I wanted to probably around the age of 17.

I'd had my license for a year.  My first car - as if it wasn't already broken in - was rolling through Painesville and Mentor like a getaway car.  That was when I believe I opened up a Blockbuster account because the Salty Dog had the inside hookups over there on the corner of Mentor Ave. and Palmer.

Also, I was, and proud to say, still am, a dude.  So, just like every other dude, I was a fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Seriously, who isn't a fan of this guy?

All his movies are sweet and everyone knows it.  Arnold rocks!

But there was one particular film of Arnold's that I had never seen, until today, February 25, 2009 ... some 12 years after I'd considered my film-viewing independence.

That flick is a documentary film entitled "Pumping Iron."

I'll keep this short and say that:

1) If you have not seen this, watch it - and watch it in its entirety.  It's ........... (thinking of a word here) .......... COMPLETELY FUCKING AWESOME!

2) You haven't seen Arnold until you've seen this film.

3) Here are my two favorite verbal exchanges Arnold has with: first a reporter, and second, a trainer:

2nd place:
A bodybuilding trainer talking to Arnold prior to leaving for the U.S. to prep Lou Ferrigno prior to the 1975 Mr. Olympia competition, where a 22-year-old, 6'5", 275 lb. Ferrigno would attempt to dethrone a 28-year-old, 6'2", 240 lb. Schwarzenegger.
TRAINER: "There is nowhere for the king atop the hill to go but down."
ARNOLD: "Or ... he can stay where he is.
TRAINER: "Or ... you can say the wolf atop the hill is not as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill."
ARNOLD: "That's true.  But when the wolf on top of the hill wants the food it's there."  Arnold then winks at the man.

1st place:
REPORTER: "Arnold, do you drink milk?"
ARNOLD: "Milk is for babies.  When you grow up you have to drink beer."

Classic stuff.  Just throw it onto your NetFlix queue and watch it over a 6-pack.  You won't be disappointed.  This is some of the best footage of Arnold there is.  This is what single-handedly launched his superstardom and break-through into Hollywood.

First it was "Conan the Barbarian" in 1982, then "Conan the Destroyer" and "The Terminator" in 1984.  And the rest is history.

There was:
 - Red Sonja (1985)
 - Commando (1985)
 - Predator (1987)
 - Twins (1988)
 - Total Recall (1990)
 - Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
 - Last Action Hero (1993)
 - True Lies (1994)
 - End of Days (1999)
 - The 6th Day (2000)
 - Collateral Damage (2002)
 - Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)

All classic Arnold films.  And most of all, "Pumping Iron" should be right around the top of the list in the Top 3.

If you are now thinking about it, just do it.  Watch the flick.  It's great.  And if anything, it is hilarious.  Filled with classic quotations: Arnold being Arnold.



BelieveLandBlogs said...

I have to agree here. I think VanHuss made me watch it once, and it's awesome.

Not only is it classic, but Arnold is hilarious. He really gives the other body builders a hard time, all the time.

Coach said...

Little drizzed. Couple obvious typos. And "considered" should be "established." That's what a bottle of red will do to you during Spring Training. Baseball Spring Training? No, sir. I'm talking Hocking Hills Spring Training.

BelieveLandBlogs said...

That's the REAL Spring Training!

Coach said...

We know this! It's like prepping for Beerfest. Everyone has to bring themselves up to speed.

jdm said...

yeah man, this movie is a classic, good stuff.

id like to add Running Man to the list as well.

T3 was the pitts though.

Anonymous said...


I am with jeremy. Running Man is the best Arnold movie. In my opinion.

BelieveLandBlogs said...

Twins was awesome. May be my #2 behind this one.