Monday, February 2, 2009

4th Highest Paid Man in Baseball?

NEW YORK -- Baseball commissioner Bud Selig made more than all but three of his sport's players in 2007.

Selig received a raise of about $3 million to nearly $17.5 million that year, according to Major League Baseball's latest tax return.

His compensation was listed at $17,470,491 for the 12 months that ended Oct. 31, 2007, according to the return, which is available at That was up from $14,515,071 in the prior 12 months.

MLB's contribution to Selig in its benefit plan was $461,540, an increase from $400,999 in the previous return. He got $422,590 in expense account and other allowances, up from $140,603 in the previous fiscal year.

His total compensatoin adding benefits and expenses was $18.35 million.

Full Story Here...


Anonymous said...


Bottomeline. Baseball stinks.

If I want to watch any baseball, I watch A.) Little League Worlds Series or B.) the college softball (woman)

Or the movie Major League.

I can't take the sport anymore. All i hear is negative this and negative that.

I guess no one listens to Neil Diamond anymore.

Touch of old time. Cory Snyder, this Buds for you.

BelieveLandBlogs said...

Womens College Softball rules. Bottom line.

Alex Cole steals second base.