Wednesday, November 4, 2009

'Bron to LA?

Well, at least I'm fairly sure now where LeBron James is going to be playing next season. Los Angeles, most likely with the Lakers. I've heard this scenario from some NBA people. I don't think James would have any problem submerging his ego for Bryant's for a while knowing full well his talent already is surpassing Bryant's. James has often talked about expanding his empire, and lately has been involved with books and movies. So where else but in L.A. would you want to be to be involved in the entertainment industry?

Salty's Thoughts: It's not 1981. You don't have to live in LA or NY to be involved in the entertainment industry. He's in commercials, tv shows, movies etc now and resides in good old Ohio. Welcome back, LeBron. I said it first.

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