Monday, August 24, 2009

Trade Z?

Zydrunas Ilgauskas' contract is a massive trade chip because of how many teams will be looking to dump salary for next summer. The Cavs will not have a great deal of cap room, so using that expiring contract could be the last swing at making a major addition for a while. For that reason, Danny Ferry would be compelled to consider it despite his personal relationship with Ilgauskas.

Cleveland Plain Dealer

1 comment:

Coach said...

I say make an attempt at a trade.

Z was good during the regular season but became very streaky during the playoffs. Could the long season be the thing that wore him down?

LBJ stated that he tells teammates to plan on playing into June, and if you're not mentally and physically conditioned to do that, then the Cavaliers aren't your team.

I'm hoping Danny Ferry makes a move.
