Monday, March 21, 2011

Has It Really Been That Long?

My poor Dad. I think he still checks my blog every day and emails me saying that it's been a while since I posted anything.

Shame on me.

No really, shame on me. I've probably turned off the 5 readers that actually read this thing.

Has sports been that boring? Actually, not at all. Life has just gotten in the way.

Shame on me.

Isn't life all about sports? No, not anymore. As you get older, I think life becomes more of a contact sport. You're either jumping over hurdles, or bashing through them hoping you find peace on the other side. What do you really find? You find another hurdle. That's life.

Are all hurdles bad? Not at all. Mine have all been good, but hurdles none the less. Life, like sports, is fast. Blink...and you just missed something. In life, blink, and you can miss a lot.

The Cavs have been somewhat boring, I can't lie. A few exciting wins here and there have been blanketed by some very ugly basketball.

That being said, I really liked the trade they made. Moving Mo Williams and Jamario Moon for Baron Davis, his beard, and a #1 pick. Everyone says this will be a bad draft class. The more I watch of the NCAA Tournament, the more I disagree. There's some solid players that may come out. I also think most, if not all, big names in College will indeed come out this year. Potential NBA lockout solidifies it in my mind.

I've watched more College Basketball this season than I can ever remember. Obviously the Buckeyes have been a blast to watch, but I've also enjoyed a few Cleveland State games, and even Michigan hoops. I know. I know. How dare I? I think Michigans team is young and fun to watch. That being said, I'll never root for them. (Asterik: I wouldn't of minded seeing them beat Duke. Not a Duke fan. Just never have been.)

Lots of Cavs fans are hoping to see Jared Sullinger in a Cavs uniform. I'm not 100% sold on his game in the NBA. I think his lack of size could be troublesome, but time will tell. If the Buckeyes outside shot turns cold in the Tourney, and he can put the team on his back, my tune may change.

I received an email from the Browns on Friday. They said they will refund season ticket holders of the cost of their season tickets if the season is locked out. Really? Should I say 'thank you'? No chance. We shouldn't have to pay until this is resolved. Would you buy a movie ticket for a movie that may or may not come to the theater? Would you pay for a meal at a restaurant that may or may not be open? I didn't think so. Do the right thing, Browns. For once.

Side note: I wonder how much money the City of Cleveland stands to lose if the Browns don't play this year? The loss on Muni Lot alone could be devastating.

Tribe starts soon. On April Fools Day, actually. No pun intended. I'm excited for baseball to be back. It makes watching ESPN bearable. I wish the Miami Heat would get their own channel so I could call Uverse and block it.

I saw the WWE when they came to town a few weeks ago. Really enjoyed it. I will say this; The WWE does a great job of being entertaining. I can't tell you a thing about current wrestlers, but I wasn't bored at all at the event. Seeing Undertakers entrance was a spectacle in it's own right. Absolute wow factor.

To the adults standing and screaming the entire Take off the Rey Mysterio mask and take a seat. Let the kids see the action and enjoy it. To the people that buy an entire bucket of hot wings and then eat them in their seat...spare me. I love a wing as much as the next guy, but come on bro. You're in a public place and nobody wants to inhale Franks Red Hot for two hours. Just saying.

Well, now that I've blown the dust off the blog, I guess I'll go do some dishes. As a wise man once said: That's life.


Coach said...

Great read! Nice to see it back in action!

Coach said...

Cavs fans should DVR any possible Heat elimination game once the playoffs start. Then, if the Heat lose, watch the 4th period with a cold one in hand.